At a Glance

Ilan Hoffmann, the innovative architect of CanvasLight, is an accomplished sculptor and painter. He was trained at the Accademia di Brera in Milano, Italy, where he conceived of, and developed the technology for, CanvasLight.

Through CanvasLight, Mr. Hoffmann brings to bear the poetic perspective of reality. Images of the same figurative subject are duplicate and serigraphed on a number of transparent plexiglass panels using palates of primary colors with various transparency levels. They are then positioned along assorted distances and exposed from behind to natural light or reflected light, generating the visual impression of a magical three dimensional image.

Mr. Hoffmann’s CanvasLight has been exhibited throughout major galleries and museums in Italy. Based on his experiences as a marketing consultant for the multi-media sector, Mr. Hoffmann believes the market is ready for the CanvasLight experience.

CanvasLight applies the latest digital printing technology allows to use its expertise in the following contemporary habitats:

Trade Fair booths, retail stores, hotels, public and corporate spaces: CanvasLight can interact with interior architecture as well as interior design elements to provide a multi-faceted experience create ambiance.

— A marketing context: With the possibility of personalizing the graphic design that can be displayed with CanvasLight, an entirely new impact can be created that stimulates the perceptive sensations of the customer.

— Private homes: As an embedded part of a wall or ceiling, or as three-dimensional lit free standing sculptural element, CanvasLight brings a new perspective and dimensions for the space surrounding it to create a personal mood and statement.